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Free to be Who I Really am

Our culture holds freedom in high esteem, or at least its version of it. We’re encouraged to think of freedom in terms of the ability to speak, act and think as we want, without hindrance or restraint. The right to be who we are. Not to be held back by authorities, laws, responsibilities, or even the welfare of others. Our culture says we have the right to say and do whatever we think benefits us. The freedom to ‘be me’.

The Oxford dictionary describes freedom as: “the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved”. But what is it that truly enslaves us?

It is not outward forces, for if we were to act, speak and think exactly as we wanted we would still be enslaved. The benefits would be fleeting at best and self-serving. Ironically, it’s our very desire to speak, act and think as we want without hindrance or restraint, without thought of others, without thought of God that steals our freedom. It is our natural selves.

The Bible calls it sin. We’re all born into it and we can’t get ourselves out of it. So, are we to be shackled forever?

No! Genuine freedom is available to each of us for the asking, for the believing.

It’s the freedom to be all that God created me to be – without the selfish, evil influence of a fallen world, or a fallen angel.

Free to live God’s blueprint for my life when He wove me together in that secret place and ordained all my days. (Psalm 139:15-16)

Free to reach my full potential.

Free to be my best me.

How do we obtain this perfect, forever freedom?

It’s through being enslaved again! But willingly, to the God who loves us, through loving Him and others. “You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love” (Gal 5:13).

Through abandoning false freedom and grabbing hold of God’s gift of perfect freedom which brings lasting and edifying results. “But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life” (Romans 6:22).

True freedom is accepting Jesus as Savior and Lord of your life, for only if the Son sets you free, will you be free indeed. (John 8:36)

- Kathi Fritz (a member of the COBI community and this month's featured Jewel!)

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