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Your Father Delights in You

Recently I was thanking God for the gracious ways He uses us in the advancement of His kingdom. I was thinking specifically of a few women I’ve had the privilege to walk a long side of recently, to help them learn, experience, and walk in the ways of our Lord. I couldn’t help but also think of the many ways I still need to grow and improve and was asking the Lord to help me in those areas. As I asked for help, the Holy Spirit brought a beautiful memory to mind:

As a young child, my dad used to bring my older sister and I to work with him on Saturday mornings. At that time, his Saturday mornings were spent going to grocery stores, packing out the cookie/cracker aisles with his company products. My sister and I were around 4 and 5 years old, but dad loved to bring us along with him. We would “help” put the boxes of crackers on the shelves, trying to mimic the way dad did it. There were many times dad had to go back and straighten out the boxes we put up, re-arrange, and sometimes probably re-start the entire area. The work was slowed down by customers and employees who would come visit us two little girls and tell our dad how cute we were. Sometimes I'd get bored and dad would have to stop and gently encourage me to continue in the task, reminding me why I was doing it. The truth was, dad really didn’t need us there; he had to spend more time teaching us and fixing our mistakes, and could have done it all more effectively on his own. But there was such a joy and delight in my dad’s heart when he got to bring us to work with him. I vividly remember feeling the pride of my father that he took in us, his two little girls. His joy in us was evident to every single person who walked past us in our work. On the way home we’d go get donuts and soda as a reward and once again the overwhelming delight in my dad’s heart spilled over into our hearts as well.

I know the Holy Spirit brought this memory to mind to show me how much those memories reflect God, the Father and His heart towards us. He doesn’t need us to do His work. He has to “slow down” to teach us, correct us, train us, fix our mistakes, sometimes have us re-start, etc. But the delight that He feels in His heart, and pours out over us as we labor in His work with Him, is beyond our comprehension. God loves when we are a part of His work. He loves to take pride in His children and show us off, as it were, for the world to see His grace and mercy at work in us. He loves to reward us and share with us the joy of those rewards.

Your part in His work brings delight and joy to His heart. You bring joy to the heart of your Father.

He wants you to be a part of what He is doing. Be encouraged today, dear sister and ask your Father to help you catch those glimpses of the joy, delight, and pride that He takes in you. He is a good Father.

>> Isaiah 43:4a; Isaiah 62:2-4; Isaiah 62:5b; Zephaniah 3:17 <<

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