As we continue to study Paul’s passage in Ephesians 6:18-20 on prayer, we see that he instructs us to “pray with all kinds of prayers and requests.” You can spend a lifetime being in the school of prayer. Ask the Lord to teach you how to grow in your prayer life. There are many different ways to pray, so let the Lord guide you each day in this. Seminars and books on prayer can be helpful. Studying the various prayers written in Scriptures will also reveal new insights. Ask others about their prayer lives.
Just as we all have different personalities, we also have unique walks with God. Therefore, each person’s prayer life will look different. I find that variety is helpful. I also have discovered that as I begin each morning asking the Lord to guide my devotional time with Him that He tailors it each time to be a little different according to what He wants to do in and through me that day.
Here are some examples of different things that could happen in your prayer time: meditating on and praying through Scriptures; writing your prayers in a journal; listening to or singing / instrumentally playing worship songs; writing music, poetry, or doing some kind of art to express your prayers and worship; focusing on giving thanks for all things; praising God for His attributes; praying for your various needs and those of others you know; worshipping God as you walk or admire His creation; praying for leaders in the church and the nations; praying for missionaries; praying for salvation for those whom you know, those around your sphere of influence, and those around the world; quietly waiting and listening for God’s leading or encouragement; some pray in other tongues or languages; praying for those in need whom He puts on your heart; seeking Him for His will and wisdom; confessing sin; praying for God’s intervention in specific social issues.
-Ask the Lord to help you grow in your prayer life. Look at the above examples and explore some new ways to pray.