Are you Anxious? Maybe sleepless or having bad dreams? Is your sleep disrupted by what is going on around us? Is a loved one sick and you are praying like crazy? According to Romans 8:15, we can cry out to our “Abba Father!” Abba is an Aramaic word for father, used by Jesus and Paul to address God in a relation of personal intimacy. Abba is our Daddy, a Dad who loves us and has the best for us.
Romans 8:15-17 says this; “So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God’s Spirit when He adopted you as His own children. Now we call Him, “Abba, Father.” For His Spirit joins with our spirit to affirm that we are God’s children. And since we are His children, we are His heirs. In fact, together with Christ we are heirs of God’s glory. But if we are to share His glory, we must also share His suffering” ( NLT).
Our world is in a time of suffering. So we will be affected!! So how do we deal with the tossing and turning of our souls? The simple answer is to turn your eyes on Jesus. But in times like these, it is not that easy. Life seems complicated and we are distracted. The enemy is gripping us with fear.
I know for me, this season has not only been about Covid19, but it also is a time I am being hit with spiritual warfare at night. For a few weeks, I was upset that the Lord wanted me to wake up. I was being attacked by my thoughts constantly. I was having bad dreams that were making me feel anxious in ways I have never felt before. But as I got people to pray for me, went on long prayer walks, and sought the Lord in the Word, I finally realized He wanted more of my attention. Daddy, the King of the universe wanted to spend more time with me in this unprecedented time. Every time I sought Him, it was a sweet time, but afterwards my thoughts would again wonder and I would feel anxious. I finally realized the Lord was having me share in His suffering. This is a strange thought, but God has suffered for us in a thousand ways! He understands all of our pain, anxiety, loneliness, depression and grief. So in this season, instead of fighting my sleepless nights, I am embracing them. I now ask the Lord to help me to pray for others who are suffering, or others who just need prayer in general. I have been praying for wisdom for our government like never before. I am now asking the Lord to get me up with a song or to make me uncomfortable in my sleep so I will get up and pray as He wants me too.
Jesus had many sleepless nights praying with the Father, His Daddy. God not only wanted to help Jesus know what to do for the following day, but He also wanted alone time with His Son. So if you have trouble sleeping, embrace it! Go to your Daddy who has called you His Daughter and Heir!!! He so adores you and wants to be with you today and in the middle of the night!!!!
May the Lord give you a song and hope today like never before! May you rest only in Him! Lord please sustains us with sleep or no sleep! Thank you that you are perfect in all of Your ways and always help us though no matter what! I Love you Daddy!!!
- Tyla Kozub
Today’s Bible Reading: Romans 8:15-17