“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty” - Psalm 91:1
I have the pleasure of living in a beautiful city on a harbor. One of my favorite things to do is to sit at the Starbucks at the harbor and look out on the ocean. On one hand, I can look out and see the sea’s rolling waves being thrown this direction and that according to the gusts of the wind and drive of the tide. And yet, as the waters come into the harbor, they are cushioned by all the sides of the harbor and brought into a more placid state. The boats being driven by the winds of nature enter this place of rest and find solace.
The whole ambiance of the moment is one of peace and safety. It sets up the perfect haven to enter into a time of solitude with God. Coming into the presence of God each morning is like this harbor. I can move away from the unpredictable waves of life and enter into His safe harbor. “I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust’” (Psalm 91:2). In fact, this whole Psalm is about God’s protection and rest.
Why is it that when we need God the most, we tend to seek Him the least?
As life becomes busier, we begin to cut back on our time with Him. As circumstances arise that bring confusion and complexity, we spend more time trying to work them out (often at the cost of time with God). As we become more and more frazzled, weak, afraid, and worried, we rest less and strive more. Why is that? Should we not be like the ships who when the storms come and the seas become rough, they quickly flee into the harbors for refuge. Do troubled ships turn and with determination go deeper into the high winds and waves? No. They know not to try to battle the high winds alone. God is there for you. Let Him be your safe harbor in the midst of the storms of life.