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...reminds me to pray.

Sadly, when we make choices to give into lies and temptations, not only are we affected, but many around us are impacted as well. Having come from an abusive background, the enemy knows to try to bring back old memories to tempt me to stumble. For a long time, I thought it was harmless and served to relieve stress and bring me comfort. As time passed, the Lord helped me discover that this dependence on impure thoughts was a barrier in my relationship with God. He alone wants to be the Lover of my soul.

Should I look outside of Him to fulfill my longings, He will not compete.

He is a jealous God and will not tolerate “other lovers.” I realized that this was interfering with my intimacy with Him. It also led to guilt and shame, making it harder during the day to share my faith and teach the Word of God to others. He calls us to dwell on that which is “true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy” (Philippians 4:8). Unlike Eve, now when I hear those questions in my head doubting the character of God or hear the temptations to give into sinful thoughts, I immediately call out to God and ask Him to give me wisdom to know what is true and faith to believe it. I cry out to Him to help me resist temptation. And I follow His guidance as to how to get out of a tempting situation.

Sisters, do not continue to walk in lies and give into the temptations. Call out to God to show you the truth. Get into His Word and pray every day for this is our weapon against the evil one. Ask another sister to come alongside you to hold you accountable and pray with you often to find freedom and victory over the enemy. Next time you enjoy a nice juicy apple, let it remind you to pray and ask God if you are walking in truth. Are you subtly being deceived to walk in some lies or protective behaviors that are keeping you from experiencing all that God intended for your relationship with Him and others? Adopt this new adage:

an apple a day reminds me to pray!

Excerpt from More Beautiful By The Day

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