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Move over Mary...

The Mary/Martha story (Luke 10:38-42) is a powerful message of how God is more concerned that we be a “lover” of God rather than a “laborer” of God. Of course the Lord wants us to labor for Him. The Scripture continually preaches the message that we are to use our gifts, talents, experience, training, resources and time to serve God. Certainly, this is what Martha was doing at that moment. But, the principle here is that we are to FIRST sit at our Savior’s feet and pray, worship, and listen to Him. Incidentally, one of the primary ways we “labor” for God is to be a “lover” of God through worship, praise, and prayer.

It was the custom of the day that if a guest came to a person’s house, that they should immediately get food and drink for him. We see many examples in the Bible of God’s servants (angels, prophets, apostles, teachers) coming to one’s house and he or she would immediately prepare a meal and the guest would patiently wait before he went on with his message. It is interesting that this time, Jesus did not wait. He just started right in on teaching the disciples another message. Mary had the wisdom to recognize that this cultural protocol was not the way to go. Her instincts told her that this was more than your typical guest. This Man would bring the Word of God into her heart. Sometimes God will ask us to put aside our cultural or “ordinary” way of doing things, and follow Him as He leads us in a new way.

When we are anxious and worried about life, stop and take time to sit at His feet and listen. He wants us first to be His “lover,” then His laborer. As we come to Him, bring every request to Him and give thanks for He is our faithful provider (Philippians 4:6-7). But more importantly, draw near to Him just to worship and listen. Stop speaking out your list of concerns and just silently meditate on being in the presence of your wonderful Shepherd, Master, and Bridegroom. As Jesus said to Martha, “only one thing is needed.” God will meet with us, deliver us of our worries and anxiety, show us how to continue on into our day or night, and allow us to grow more and more in love with Him. Do you want this? Does your soul crave His peace and His love? Let’s be “a Mary” together. Join with me in this journey of being a “lover” first, and then a “laborer.”

Move over Mary, I am coming to join you at our Master’s feet!
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