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Love Others

It is not only important to be in fellowship, but we should also understand what biblical fellowship is to look like. First, it involves commitment and consistency. It is important that people know they can count on us. Sporadically showing up to things makes it more difficult for others to depend on us. It encourages our leaders when we consistently attend fellowship times. As we passionately embrace the vision, mission, and service of the fellowship group or church, everyone will become more excited, active, and effective and greater fruit for the Kingdom of God will result. The quality of our fellowship is also very important. Ephesians 4:29 exhorts us to only say that which is "helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”

Think about your conversations recently. Were you sharing and responding to people according to their needs or your own needs? Are you sharing things that will benefit others or tear them down?

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