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Inner-Outer Beauty

Would you say that you prioritize inner or outer beauty more? The media really puts an emphasis on outer beauty. Granted, it is hard to sell products on TV that develop inner beauty. When I say outer beauty, you probably can easily identify several things under this category. Of course, each culture, age group, and current trend defines beauty in different ways. But how about inner beauty? What does that include? Character and personality traits? Temperament? Or is it something deeper like integrity, humility, peace of mind and heart, a gentle spirit, a positive outlook on life, an ability to express love and encouragement to others, self-control, and a sacrificial and servant heart?

With outer beauty, I can go to the store and buy a new outfit. My friends and family will comment, “Wow Sue, you look beautiful.” But it is not so easy to access inner beauty. There is no store where I can purchase humility. But there is a place I can go through prayer to develop my inner beauty. . . God’s Word! And there are three “persons” who can help me with this . . . the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! “And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit” (2 Corinthians 3:18).

When we think about Jesus, we see all the beautiful inner qualities I listed above. Interestingly, He never really focused on his outer appearance. Isaiah 53:2 tells us “He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him.” Esther shows us that there are times when our outer beauty opens doors for us. Her beauty enabled her to become the king’s wife and then influence him to free all of God’s people from an edict of genocide.

Ask God what inner or outer qualities He wants you to pray for and seek to develop. He will use prayer, His Word, life's circumstances, and other people to help you to grow. The result is that you will experience greater physical, emotional, relational, and spiritual health. Ultimately, this will enable you to be more effective for His Kingdom. Doors will open for you to become an influencer for Christ. You will become more beautiful by the day!

- Sue Corl

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