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God's Response to Our Fears - Part 2

I want to encourage you if you are fearful to rest in the Lord’s blessings of peace. No matter how many times we get fearful or worried, He is there for us holding our hand through every situation. Don’t let the enemy cast shame on you for your humanity. God is patient with our troubled emotions and welcomes our honest prayers. Rather than focusing on media, fix your eyes on the One who will walk with you through this season. God loves you so much and desires to lead you step by step.

May the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob bless you beyond your heart’s desire today with His love and peace.

Today’s Bible Reading: Genesis 27-35

A Moment to reflect:
  1. Are there any ways you can relate to Jacob? Perhaps trying to find your own way to get a blessing? Giving into the temptation to cut corners, lie, try to figure your way out of your problems by your own strength?

  2. Take some time to confess these thoughts/behaviors before the Lord and ask for a heart of genuine repentance.

  3. As you read Genesis 27-35, take some time to write down some of the attributes and character qualities you see about God.

  4. In view of these qualities of God, how can they impact how you see Him today, see yourself, and see your situation?

By Tyla Kozub - an excerpt from For Such A Time As This: Walking Through Crisis

*A moment to reflect is added for this post.

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