[the Lord ultimately has the power to change hearts and circumstances and give us all that we need to accomplish His will...]
The Lord graciously gave Moses many signs to prove that He would demonstrate His power through Moses, but still Moses doubted him.
“Lord, I have never been eloquent, neither in the past or since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue” (Exodus 4:10). I can relate to Moses.
When I first heard the Lord’s calling for me to become a conference speaker, I responded, “Lord, no one has asked me to teach at a conference.” “Sue, you write the messages from your life story, and I will provide the people,” the Lord responded. Five days after I finished writing for messages of my journey with the Lord, a woman I had never met heard me share a short testimony at church and told me she was a conference coordinator, and if I was willing she would organize a conference for me. The day of the conference, before I got up to speak, I was like Moses shaking in my boots feeling completely inadequate to teach ninety women at a three-day conference.
The Lord comforted my heart with the same words He spoke to Moses; “I am with you.”
After I gave my first talk, that night the Lord called me to read Exodus 3-4. I was captivated by the calling of Moses - a man who felt completely inadequate to be the spokesperson for Israel. I too was feeling incapable of using my words to bring any kind of healing or transformation in the ladies’ lives.
When I read, “Who gave man his mouth… Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say” (Exodus 4:11-12), I was completely humbled.
God, my Almighty Creator is in the pilot seat. Even when God allows me to take control of the wheel of the plane, He still has the power to take over at any time. Not only did the Lord give me confidence to get on the platform the next day to teach, but he instructed me that this was to be my ministry calling the second half of my life. Sixteen years later, the Lord is still with me, guiding and empowering me to lead the continually growing Crown of Beauty International ministry. What is God’s calling for you? You can be honest with Him about your fears and hesitations.
You may be saying, “Who am I? I am inadequate.”
But God is responding, “I gotcha girl. I am with you.”
Today's Bible Reading: Exodus 3 & 4. What do you see about God (His character, attributes, actions), how should you live today in light of who He is? Pray through the Scripture and invite the Holy Spirit to challenge you how He sees fit.
-Sue Corl