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Don't You Care? Part 1

Some weeks are more overwhelming than others. When physical and emotional strains build up with relentless weight and volume, we either tend to shut down, meltdown—or both! It is at these times that it is important to pour out praise and petitions to the One who can help. It is also critical that we cling to truth, so our hearts do not grow bitter and cordoned off from love.

This week I struggled to keep my head above water through multiple challenges. By going to the Father for His solution, He reminded me that our fallen nature tends to try and handle everything on its own. Then if we fail, we blame Him for our personal struggle or lack of faith. Jesus’ disciples were no different.

When Jesus and the disciples sought to get away from the crowds, they encountered a storm in their small boat. The Scriptures say that the storm they encountered was “furious,” such that the boat was nearly swamped. Jesus, being tired from ministry, was asleep in the boat on a cushion. The exasperated disciples ran to Him with this complaint: “Teacher, don’t you care that we drown?” (Mark 4:38b). If we were to break down what the disciples were truly saying, it would sound like this: “Teacher, don’t you care that we’re about to die?” What an extreme accusation — “don’t you care!” Did they know the Lord of heaven and earth—the great I AM— was in the boat with them that day? Apparently not yet...

A Moment to reflect:
  1. Is there anything(s) overwhelming you at the moment or causing stress? Take a few minutes to journal these things out to God.

  2. Do you find yourself trying to handle things on your own? When things don't go as planned do you tend to blame God for your personal struggles or lack of faith, how so?

  3. If you're being honest with yourself right now, do you believe that God cares about your circumstances? That He cares about each and every detail? If not, what lies are you wrestling with (He doesn't see me, understand, isn't powerful enough to help, I'm not worthy of His love and care, I messed up to many times, etc.)? Take some time to look up Scripture verses that speak truth in the face of those lies. Meditate on those Scriptures this week.

By Julie Bransetter; an excerpt from For Such A Time As This: Walking Through Crisis *A moment to reflect is added for this post.

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