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Dine With Him

If you could be transported to anywhere and sit with anyone right now, where would you want to be, and with whom? Think of your answer and then read on.

Did you choose a fun light-hearted time filled with laughter? A person you can trust and pour out your current heartaches? A wise mentor who can give you counsel so you can move forward on something new? A safe place and person who brings comfort and healing for your weary, hurting soul? Hiking with a friend at a physically challenging place filled with beauty? What made you choose that place with that person? Your choice probably reflects what needs you are feeling right now.

As I write this, I imagine myself sitting in an Italian coffee shop in London with my lifetime dearest friend Maureen sharing all my new challenges. Why this person? She has been one of my greatest cheerleaders, helping me to press on in my ministry when I want to give up. Why this place? After fifteen months of being grounded from traveling due to Covid 19, I long for a new adventure to be in a different place and culture. Why a coffee shop? I love coffee!

Though I can’t fly to London at this time, the Lord is calling out to me this morning through 1 Corinthians 1:9. “God, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful.” He is gently leading me to sit with Jesus, the lover and sustainer of my soul.

How about you? What are your longings that are calling out to be met? Our Father sees your heart. He invites you to sit at the banqueting table with Him. “He has taken me to the banquet hall, and His banner over me is love” (Song of Songs 2:4). When Solomon wrote this, he was referring to an exquisite dining experience. A beautiful place full of an abundance of rich, tasty foods. Two years ago, my husband and I visited Versailles and were astounded by the royal splendor of every room. I thought of this verse and how Jesus wants to pamper us with His rich gifts of grace, kindness, and wisdom and fill our needs with an overflowing abundance of His love – satisfying us like a visit to a king who wines and dines his guests. We can feel this spiritually and emotionally now as we sit in His presence, and one day in heaven we will physically experience this as well!

God is faithful and if you trust His quiet invitation, Jesus will dine with you and give you the sweet fellowship you need. Sit, open your heart, and savor the encouragement your heart longs for. Don’t rush the time. Find a place where you can focus. Turn off your cell phone. See it as a special date with the One who loves you most. Let the Lord lead you in a meditation of sitting with Him in a safe, comfortable place. Let Him open your heart to see His beauty and feel His love. He may lead you in your spirit to see a beautiful place in which you are present with Him. Sit quietly and listen to see what the Spirit of God has to say to you. If you hear Him speak a question or words of encouragement to you, respond to Him. He is faithful. He will meet you where you are in exactly the way you need. Give Him a chance. He is the best companion there is!

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