As New Year’s Day fast approaches, we think about what changes we want to make. It is
always best to take some time to evaluate the past year, weighing out what went well and
what we hope to change. Then we need to think about what changes we actually have
control over. Most importantly, through prayer, we should bring God into our evaluation
process. His Spirit can give us perspective and wisdom to discern what was according to
His will and what was a result of our own independent doing. Most years bring some
unexpected things that were out of our control. Take time to pray as you make plans for the
New Year. Let’s face it, change can elicit several different emotions.
Some see change as an exciting adventure, others are gripped by the fear of the
unknown, and most of us go through seasons of change with a mixture of enthusiasm and
anxiety. Even though our circumstances often drive our emotions, everyone responds
differently to change.
The person in the Old Testament who faced some of the most dramatic amounts of
change is Abraham. God asked him to leave his home, his culture, his extended family and
friends, his fellowship with kindred believers, and go wherever God would lead him.
Basically, He told him to pack up his things, take his immediate family and animals, and
begin to walk! Abraham was guided by his faith in His sovereign, loving Shepherd. Because
He intimately knew God, he was well aware that being in the center of God’s will is always
the best and safest place to be!
Perhaps like Abraham, God is calling you to let go of that which is known and
comfortable and trust Him to move into a new season. Yes, these unknowns easily stir up
anxious feelings, but you can “cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you” (1
Peter 5:7).
-Sue Corl