When the Jews had finished building the wall around Jerusalem in Nehemiah 12:27-47, they had a ceremony of dedication. The Levite priests came together to celebrate with songs of thanksgiving. The leaders gathered on top of the wall along with two large choirs to give thanks. All the people celebrated with such great joyous sounds that they could be heard from far away. May we take time throughout this week to join with others in joyful praise and prayers of thanksgiving to our Lord who has done so much for us.
King David wrote a beautiful Psalm of thanks that can lead us into a wonderful worshipful time of thanksgiving. Join with me and pray through 1 Chronicles 16:7-36:
Call on His Name and sing praise to Him
Tell of His wonderful acts
Glory in His Holy Name
Look to the Lord for His strength
Seek His glorious face
Remember the miracles and wonders He has done
Praise Him for His judgments
Praise Him for His commandments
Praise Him for His New Covenant
Praise Him for His promises
Praise Him for our inheritance
Praise Him for His protection from the enemy
Praise Him for our salvation
Praise Him for our calling to proclaim Him to the nations
Praise Him for His Greatness, that He is Almighty
Praise Him that He is our Creator
Praise Him for His splendor and majesty
Praise Him for the strength and joy that comes in His Presence
Ascribe to Him the glory due His name
Surrender yourself to Him as an offering
Praise Him for His holiness
Praise Him for His creation and that He holds us and all the earth in His hands
Praise Him that He reigns
Give thanks for His goodness and love
Thank Him for being our Savior
Praise Him that He is eternal and we will be eternally in His Presence
Say “Amen and Praise the Lord”
