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A New Normal - A New Heart

None of us are exempt from the temptation to fall into hatred. When injustice falls on our doorstep, the enemy seizes this opportunity to introduce us to this dangerous evil companion. When we are falsely accused, when someone we love is wrongly hurt, when we lose someone we care about; hatred crouches at our door. Sisters and brothers, turn to God with any feelings of hatred, racism, or unforgiveness. Release these feelings to God. Ask for forgiveness for your bitterness and judgment. Trust the Lord, our Righteous Judge that in His timing, He will deal with the sins of our offenders.

Forgive your enemies. “But I (Jesus) tell you: love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you that you may be sons and daughters of your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:44-45). Let us come out of this difficult season with a new normal, a heart of forgiveness and love, even for our enemies. -Excerpt from For Such A Time As This: Walking Through Crisis

Take some time asking the Lord to search out your heart right now (Psalm 139:23-24):

  • Is there anyone you need to forgive (Ephesians 4:32)?

  • Are there any "enemies" in your life that you need to release to the Lord and begin to love (Matthew 5:44)?

  • In what ways do you sense the Lord is asking you to do these things? Jot them down in a visible place and begin to pray over each one. Invite the Holy Spirit to empower you to release offenders, hatred, and hurt feelings so that you might love them through God's love and forgiveness (Galatians 5:16-24).

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