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What Outfit Did You Choose Today?

Most of us women spend a lot of time getting dressed in the morning. My teenage daughter’s room after she leaves each morning is a cyclone of outfits strewn all over the room from her desperation to find just the right clothes to wear! I am not much better except that I hang up the clothes that I choose not to wear! But how many of us take as much time each morning to think about putting on our spiritual clothes before we go out? “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience” (Colossians 3:12).

When we choose what to wear each morning, we think about several factors: What is the temperature today? Is it sunny, windy, rainy, or snowing? Do I need to dress casual or more formal? What age group people will I be spending time with? Are there any dress codes at the places I am going? Have I worn these clothes recently around these people? What kind of mood am I in? Will I need to walk a lot?

In the same way, we should pray through our day and ask the Lord what spiritual “clothes” we will need to wear? Who will I be spending time with? Pray for each of these appointments. Pray for these people. Pray that you will have the compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, wisdom, courage and love that you will need to minister to each person. What challenges and opportunities will I probably have today? Pray that you will display Christ-likeness during these challenges. What will I be doing? Pray for His strength and ability to do it all.

Just as we never leave the house with no clothes on (or at least I hope you do not!), we should not go out without praying to put on our spiritual clothes. Taking time to partake in this kind of preparatory prayer will make all the difference in your day. If your time is limited in the morning, prepare your physical clothing the night before so you will have more time to spend putting on your spiritual clothes in the morning.

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