“Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!” Psalm 34:8 ESV
As I was sitting within the words of Psalm 34 this morning, this particular verse stood out to me, “blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him [the LORD]!” I began thinking about all the things that I so easily try to take refuge in, especially when I’m feeling insecure and bombarded by the enemy’s lies.
Do you ever find yourself trying to take refuge in your job, your family, your friendships, your spouse? How about in your abilities, talents, aspirations, goals, dreams? Maybe in your experiences, strengths, accomplishments, etc. Perhaps in hobbies, wealth, material possessions, fashion, appearance, substances, sports, etc. What do you think you run to for refuge during those times of stress, insecurities, uncertainty, or fear?
As I sat in that question and invited the Spirit to reveal to me those things and places I run to for refuge, my heart increasingly longed for my only place of refuge to be in Him. And how rich the promise within those words, “blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him…” refuge in Christ is where I am blessed. That’s where the Lord invites us to come, to run to, to find shelter and protection. That is the place where those insecurities and lies have to submit to God’s truth and we become empowered and strengthened to live out His truth about who He is and who we are. When we come to the Lord for refuge, we don’t have to worry that we will be misunderstood, condemned, rejected, looked down upon, unheard, uncared for, dismissed, or unwanted. We can come knowing that He will show us compassion, grace, acceptance, love, mercy, conviction to grow us in a way that is kind and gentle, leading and guiding, restorative and good. Knowing that He will speak to the lies and expose even those ones we don’t realize we believe.
Come today, dear sister and find your refuge in the arms of the Savior. Come, taste and see that the LORD is good, that you will be blessed when you take refuge in Him. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you to stop running to things that won’t satisfy you, that will continue to keep you thirsty and without rest. Jesus knows you fully, He loves you completely, and He invites you daily to find your refuge (your safe place) in Him – “Hallelujah, what a Savior!”