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Priests and Ministers of our God // Part 1

Updated: Oct 28, 2019

“And you will be called priests of the Lord, You will be named ministers of our God”- Isaiah 61:6

How do you feel when you hear that God is calling you a “priest” and a “minister of God?” Does that get you excited or stressed? Do you find yourself saying: “No way, I am not spiritual enough,” or “Lord, I am too busy for that,” or “I cannot do that, there is too much sin in my life...”? How you respond when you read this passage will tell you a lot about your priorities, your faith, and the condition of your heart.

When the Israelites heard this [Is. 61:6] out of the mouth of Isaiah, most of them were probably thinking, “What are you saying Isaiah. This role is only for those from the tribe of Levi.” This is similar to when we respond: “The job of priest and minister is only for the missionaries, pastors, priests, and elders. Besides, I have never been to Bible school!” At that time, only one of the twelve tribes of God’s people was to assume the role of priest. But Isaiah was giving them a whole new paradigm when he prophesied that EVERY child of God should fulfill this role on earth. But what time period was he talking about? Isaiah 61 is mixed with the events from four time periods: the people’s freedom from Persia and Babylon and the first and second coming of Christ. Isaiah 61:6 is referring to our current time in history: the New Covenant church. Peter tells us that all believers are royal priests (1 Peter 2:9). Paul says that we are called to “the ministry of reconciliation, that God was reconciling the world to Himself in Christ, not counting men’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation” (2 Corinthians 5:18-19).

When we read this verse in Isaiah, along with Peter and Paul’s proclamation, it is a clear calling on our lives. God is telling us that our first priority is to be a priest and minister of the Lord. We will take the next couple days to consider what this means. But before we do, take time today to consider what this verse stirs up in your heart. What feelings are going on inside of you? Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you any barriers that are keeping you from fully serving as a priest and minister of Christ.

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