In the years of raising my three children, I became painfully aware of how little ones demand the attention of their parents. As a way of escaping – just for a moment of solitude and peace – I would hide myself in the bathroom; until they realized I was missing and searched me out. My season of life has changed, so I’m no longer in the throes of raising kids. In my current season, my peaceful moments come in seeking solitude in the Word, a morning walk, or pausing in the mountains listening and looking for the splendor of God. Here, alone with my thoughts and emotions, I sense God’s peace. But God’s peace is not meant to be a fleeting, momentary experience. Believers are invited to live in a continual state of peace with God, and as a recipient of His peace, to extend it outwardly to others.
Webster defines peace as a state of tranquility; freedom from oppressive thoughts or emotions. The Bible tells us peace is one of the seven fruits of the Spirit. It is an attribute of God that Jesus, the Prince of Peace, shares with us. It’s through the person of Christ, that we who were once in conflict with God, are reconciled into a peaceful relationship with Him. In his letter to the early churches, Paul exhorts believers to be peacemakers (Rom 12:18) and to let the peace of Christ rule in our hearts (Col 3:15). A person ruled by God’s peace exhibits tranquil living with God (vertical peace) that extends into their relationships with others (horizontal peace). We are called to live at peace with all people.
Has this kind of peace captured your heart? If not, what is ruling your heart in its place?
Take time to seek solitude with God to contemplate your thoughts and emotions. Are you living in God’s peace? What or who is ruling your heart? If it is not the perfect peace of Christ, confess it to the Lord. Then, in prayer with thanksgiving, offer yourself and any inner conflict to Him. Receive His promise of peace that transcends all understanding (Phil 4:4-9).
-Deneen McDonald (US Director, Crown of Beauty International)