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Not a Makeover

I’ve noticed it’s taking me longer to make myself presentable each day: changing

my attire multiple times, creatively covering that bald spot, applying more

foundation to mask those increasing age spots. Yet, by the end of the day, my

“new me” looks tired with wrinkled clothes, limp hair and fading make-up

revealing my skin’s imperfections. My makeover is temporary. It more than

disappoints - it fails. When I look in the mirror at day’s end, I see my true self.

Nothing has really changed.

This is also what happens when we try to improve ourselves internally. We

recognize change is needed: I need to be more patient. Next time my friend’s

complaints get to me, I will respond with compassion. Or, I guess I shouldn’t

have boasted about handling that situation. Next time I’ll be more humble. So

we try, and maybe we look good for a while, but eventually the make-up wears

off. We’re just not able to change ourselves enough or permanently.

Thankfully, when we give up on our own efforts and allow the Lord to change us,

He does not apply fresh make-up to mask our imperfections, our sin. He gives us

new life in Him that radiates from the inside out.

We are Purified, made fit for His Purpose.

Positionally. The moment we accept Jesus as Lord we are permanently made

new in Him, with no hint of lingering sin that mars (2 Cor 5:17).

Daily. He gives us new beginnings, new opportunities to submit to His plan for us

(Lam 3:22-23).

Repeatedly. Each time we agree with His conviction of our self-focus, self-

determination and we turn to the Lord for forgiveness, He cleanses us. We are

instantly purified and made ready to move on in His will (1 John 1:9). He gives us

eyes to see as He does and His will to act as He would.

Now the compassion I show my friend is not forced, as I see her as His child who

is in need of the mercy and grace the Lord has shown me. Now the Spirit checks

my boastful words and I’m able to truly reply in humility.

His work in us is not a temporary covering or a makeover that quickly fades. It’s

at the same time a permanent as well as dynamic inner metamorphosis. It’s not

an improved life. It’s New Life. And only Our Lord can give it.

-Kathi Fritz (a beautiful member of the COB Community)

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