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No Fear of Bad News

A few years ago, when I was studying for my Master’s in counseling, one of my professors said, “Sue, it seems like you are always feeling like something disastrous is waiting for you just around the corner.” I was stunned by his comment. I thought, “this can’t be true. I am a very positive person.” But then the Spirit of God confirmed in my heart that this was accurate. There was dread in my heart. It was as if I was in a brightly lit room, but often would look over at the next room that was full of darkness and fear that suddenly the darkness would overwhelm me.

Realizing this fear was the first step to God healing me. The next step was to ask the Lord where this dread came from. There were a few times in my life when I thought everything was great, only to suddenly discover that terrible things were happening around me that soon would consume my world. As an eleven year old child, I learned that my parent’s marriage was coming to an end. Though I am sure it was not an abrupt decision for them, for me it was a total surprise. It felt like in one day, my life went from stability, love and laughter to fear, loss, and loneliness.

If you have had an unexpected event, loss, or trauma in your past, the enemy may be holding you captive in fear of the unexpected. Psalm 112:7 can be a great encouragement for you. “He will have no fear of bad news, his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord.” What I did not know as a child was that my heavenly Father is trustworthy and He will carry me through the dark, bitter times.

Daniel the prophet was well aware of this and thus was able to face the lion’s den in faith. He knew that God would be with him in this extremely difficult and painful time. “And when Daniel was lifted from the den, no wound was found on him, because he had trusted in his God” (Daniel 6:23).

God is with you, my friend. You do not need to fear what lies ahead.
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