Imagine you were one of the women followers of Jesus during his three-year ministry on earth. What would it be like as you heard his teachings, walked by his side, and watched his ministry?
Dear sister,
I haven’t written in a while because we have been endlessly busy. Everywhere we go, people crowd around to hear Jesus’ teachings and be healed. It seems that there is no sickness that he cannot heal. Recently a man came with leprosy and had great faith that Jesus could heal him. With deep compassion, our Master reached out his hand and touched him and immediately the man was healed. Jesus never seems to worry about getting sick from touching others. Interestingly though, he often warns those whom he heals not to tell others. This man who had leprosy did not heed Jesus’ warning. As a result, the crowds were so great that we had to move out to the desert. Still, many came to hear Jesus’ preaching. Perhaps Jesus feels that if he draws too much attention, the religious and political leaders will become angry and try to stop his ministry. Also, Jesus needs to have access to quiet places that he can be alone with the Father. I love how all that he does is a response to the Father’s leading!
As the days go on, I find that Jesus’ love and compassion for people is infectious! I am becoming less concerned about protecting my own body and resources, and more desirous to help the needs of others. Praise to our Father in heaven!
Walking in the love of Jesus,
Your Big Sister
Today’s Bible Reading: Matthew 8:1-4; Mark 1:40-45, Luke 5:12-16
Today’s Application:
Pray that God will give you a heart of compassion for the needs of others. Confess your preoccupation with your own needs, desires, and self-protection. Ask that He gives you a greater burden to help those in need.