Why does God do what He does? The Bible teaches that every act of God is done to fulfill His eternal purpose: to restore all things and establish His Kingdom on earth. God is working to achieve His good plan for this world and His Kingdom to come. (Isaiah 55:11). God is intentional.
Consider the beginning: the Trinity willfully co-created the world and everything in it. All of creation displays the glory of God so generations past, present and future would be aware of His existence and power. Then, as the climax of His creation, He thoughtfully and purposefully created people who were set apart – made in His likeness. Because we bear His image, each of us holds intrinsic value and worth.
Yet, we’ve sinned and sin requires reconciliation. The intentionality of God’s redemptive love was demonstrated in Jesus, our Peacemaker. Jesus humbly laid aside His divinity for humanity as he entered our broken world. He endured severe opposition, yet persevered and took on the humiliation of the cross to bring forgiveness of sin (Heb 9:22). His intentional death offered us permanent reconciliation and freedom to boldly enter the presence of God (Heb 10:19). His resurrection assured us of His triumph over sin and death. And He who is our peace reconciles all peoples into one united family we call the Church (Eph 2).
Upon Jesus’ return to Heaven, God intentionally sent The Spirit to begin His divine work of building that Church. Through His transforming power, lives are made new – reflecting within the holy character of God. Born again spiritually, we become heirs of an eternal inheritance that invites us to participate in bringing God’s Kingdom from heaven to earth.
From beginning to end, God is thoughtfully and purposefully advancing His plan. As we wait for the culmination, Jesus and His Kingdom being established here on earth, the Spirit works to redeem those God is calling to be His worshippers. As His Church, our purpose is to work in step with Him to fulfill His eternal plan, His purpose.
Reflect on God’s eternal purpose of reconciliation. Listen for the Spirit’s invitation to actively join God’s mission of building His Kingdom. How is God calling you to join Him today?
- Deneen McDonald (US Director for COBI)