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Daily Action...

What does it mean to…

- Take off the “Old Self”

Repentance is the key to “catching the foxes.” Ask the Holy Spirit to show you if there are any hindrances or sins in your life. As He reveals them, immediately confess these to God and receive His cleansing forgiveness from His shed blood on the Cross for you. Then yield your heart and life to the Lord. Ask Him to fill you with the Holy Spirit and give you the power to walk away from sin. Allow Him to also show you if there is anything you can do differently, or someone you should talk to, in order to help you continue to not give in again to the temptation of this hindrance or sin.

- Put on the “New Self”

Now that you have taken off the “old self,” it is time to put on the “new self.” Ask the Spirit to fill you with His power and love to live a holy and pleasing life to Him.

As long as we depend on our own strength, knowledge, wisdom and power to live the Christian life, we will frequently fail and have a very up and down experience.

The victorious Christian life comes about when we realize that we must pray throughout each day and ask God to fill us with His Spirit and give us power over sin, temptation, and other hindrances. When the Spirit reveals sin, we should immediately confess and repent (take off the “old self”). Living moment by moment dependent on God (put on the “new self”) will enable us to be “more than conquerors” in Christ (Romans 8:37).

Take some time, dear sister to sit before the Lord and ask the Holy Spirit to help you put these things into practice. This is a daily act of taking off the “old self” and the desires of our flesh, and putting on the “new self,” surrendering to the Holy Spirit’s work.

We will continue this week to look together at what it means to renew our minds, take captive our thoughts, and be filled with the Holy Spirit…stay tuned!

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